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The Committee would like to acknowledge Bryony Guisti and to thank her for all her tireless work with organising volunteers for our competitions.  Bryony has worked so very hard organising volunteers for our competitions and despite the very bad luck and cancellations of our HRCAV competition, she still had to organise the volunteer rosters every single time...

thanks so much Bryony!. 


I would like to nominate Taylor Kerr and Claire Moulds for Club Members of the Month.

They have taken on the volunteer team role for the Macarenas Team at TTT.  Very much appreciated by me considering logistics and ride times.  Cheers Evelyn Fletcher..



The Committee would like to acknowledge Jenny Fenech and to thank her for her continuing contributions to the club.  Amongst managing work, a young family and riding her beautiful fresians mares Jen always finds time to help the club out in some way. 


Whenever there's a plea for helpers, Jen always answers the call.  Thank you Jen.  






MRDC Committee would like to do a 'Shout Out' to Joan O'Reilly and Bryony Quirk for their mammoth efforts toward making our EA Official Dressage Competition in April a success.


Bryony never disappoints with her ongoing generosity in helping our club

(on numerous occasions), coordinating the volunteers, and Joan,

also on numerous occasions works tirelessly behind the scenes,

taking the entries, creating a schedule and bringing our competition to life.


The club and committee are in your debt...

Thank you



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